Parent Information Package
Willowgrove Day Camp 2025

For all registration questions and concerns, please contact the office.
Keep reading for everything you need to know for the 2025 camping season at Willowgrove Day Camp!
Looking for a specific section? Click the links below.

Registration and Refund Policy
Camp registrations require a $200 deposit per person. Full payment is required by June 1, 2025. Registrations made after June 1, 2025, must be accompanied by full payment. Payment plans are available, but alternative payment arrangements must be discussed with the camp and confirmed in writing. Limited financial assistance is made available through our Helping Hand Subsidy program.
A camp-t-shirt, tuck, and swimming lessons are included in the camp fee.
A confirmation email will follow receipt of your registration form and deposit. Please call the office if you have not received an email confirming your registration.
Switching/Cancelling Weeks
If your summer plans change, we will do our best to accommodate your child in another camp week. If this is not possible, refunds will be provided if notice is given one month prior to the withdrawal from a camp week. A refund will be provided after the one month deadline with a medical note.
Medical refunds can be provided for absences in response to Public Health recommendations or with a note from a physician or registered nurse. Medical refunds will not be issued for participants who have missed programming due to a visit or stay in Willowgrove/Fraser Lake Camp’s Health Center.
Credit Card Charges
Credit Card charges will appear on your statement under the name WILLOWGROVE. Outstanding balances after September 1, 2025 (without an agreed upon payment plan) will be charged interest of 1% per month.
Unless other payment arrangements have been made, any additional charges for additional goods or services used during your child’s camp experience (i.e. extended care) will be charged to the credit card provided, either at the time of use or upon completion of your child’s stay at camp.
Processing Fees
As of Oct. 6, 2022, businesses are now able to pass on credit card processing fees to the consumer. This added charge comes alongside already record-high inflation rates, creating many new financial barriers for many families.
Although these rising costs also pose unique obstacles for not-for-profits, charitable organizations must do what they can to benefit their communities. Therefore, believing in the importance of our mission, and knowing that these additional charges would further limit accessibility to our programs, Willowgrove has decided to continue absorbing credit card fees for the duration of the 2025 season.
Declined Transaction Fee
In order to mitigate the increasing administrative costs associated with declined credit cards payments, we have implemented a small ($10.00) Declined Transaction Fee. This fee functions like a NSF charge for returned cheques, and will only be applied when a scheduled payment installment transaction is declined. To avoid these charges, please
advise us when your credit card information changes, and
ensure your credit card can accommodate the entirety of a scheduled payment.
You can find any scheduled payment installments including the amount, status, and dates, in the “Payment” section of your “Household Statement.”
Promotional Photos
Each summer, our communications staff are tasked with taking pictures of our campers. These photographs are used for our social media, website and, on occasion, for the Ontario Camping Association. Capturing these moments is an important part of our camp experience, and so by attending WDC, families and campers accept that their photo may be taken for these purposes, and that no compensation will be provided for using one’s likeness. If you and your child/children do not want to appear in these pictures, please ensure that you let us know by contacting office@willowgrovedaycamp.ca.
Camper Code of Conduct
We believe that everyone has the right to feel safe, both physically and emotionally. We are aware that some of our campers and staff may be coming with past histories of physical and/or emotional abuse. All campers, employees, and volunteers are to be treated with dignity and respect.
Our Values
Since 1968, Willowgrove has offered camping, outdoor education, and recreation programs year-round to our community and beyond. In pursuit of our mission, Willowgrove Day Camp seeks to nurture the social, emotional, spiritual, and physical growth of young people by providing transformative outdoor experiences. Willowgrove is committed to the following values:
Nurturing Growth
We facilitate physical, emotional, spiritual, and social development.
Welcoming Community
We embrace diverse relationships, accountability, acceptance, and belonging.
Building Peace
We champion justice, hope and healing.
Honouring Land
We participate in conservation, sustainability, reconciliation and conversation.
Cultivating Learning
We encourage inquiry, discovery and transformational education.
Approach to Conflict Resolution
Like any community, upon occasion campers may intentionally or mistakenly hurt another. At Willowgrove, we work closely with staff and campers to take a restorative approach to resolving conflicts. This means examining the ways with which our actions have ripples, listening to understand all sides of the story, and asking who is responsible for making things right, rather than what is the punishment for doing things wrong. Corporal punishment is never permitted, nor are methods which would humiliate or degrade any camper or staff.
We aim to resolve conflicts, and to teach campers appropriate behaviour for living in a community. With this in mind, there may be times when we are unable to bring the parties involved to a safe and peaceful resolution. As stated in our waiver and registration package, the camp does reserve the right, at the Director’s discretion, to ask a camper to leave if they continue to be harmful to other campers or staff in any way.
Inappropriate Behaviour
Our goal is to provide clear expectations for both campers and staff in regards to behaviour, as well as consistently applying consequences for inappropriate actions. When deciding on consequences for inappropriate actions, the unique circumstances to every camper/situation will be considered. Alcohol, drugs, and smoking are strictly prohibited. Any camper taking part in, or possessing these items will be immediately dismissed from the program at the parent’s expense. Any violation of the laws of the Province of Ontario will also result in automatic dismissal from the program.
Willowgrove will make every reasonable effort to ensure that no one is subjected to any kind of harassment or violence. Willowgrove will take corrective action with any person under the organisation’s direction who subjects anyone to violence and/or other disruptive behaviours. Anyone who does not adhere to the Participant Code of Conduct may face expulsion from programs and/or from the facility.
In living out our Mission Statement, Willowgrove Day Camp strives for a safe, encouraging and supportive environment. We believe that camp is a place where campers can learn, make mistakes, and challenge themselves; however, there is no place for bullying here.
At Willowgrove, we define bullying as behaviours which fall in under four categories:
Verbal: When someone persistently victimizes another person verbally
Physical: When someone persistently victimizes another person using physical harm
Cyber: When someone persistently victimizes another person online or through digital communication
Social: When someone persistently victimizes another person by deliberately excluding them from games/group activities.
Participant Dismissal
Willowgrove reserves the right to dismiss a camper who, in their opinion, is a hazard to the safety or rights of others, or who appears to have rejected the reasonable expectations of the organization. Prior to action being taken, all attempts will be made with the camper and their parents/guardians (if under 18) to rectify the situation. At Willowgrove, we work closely with staff and campers to take a restorative justice approach to resolving conflicts.
No refund will be given for campers whose camp experience is terminated due to inappropriate behaviour.
Willowgrove’s Welcoming Diversity Statement
Willowgrove commits to treating all program campers and staff equitably and with respect, honouring the diversity of race/colour, religion/creed, gender, sexual orientation, age, ability, or economic background.

Throughout the year, we do our best to keep families updated with upcoming dates, new programs, registration information and lots more. Here are a few of the ways we like to keep parents informed of what’s happening at camp.
Monthly Newsletters
Camp families and members of our mailing list will receive a newsletter highlighting upcoming dates, behind the scenes, new program announcements and lots more. Newsletters are sent via email.
Willowgrove Weekly Newsletter
In the month of June, registered camp families will receive a special 4 part newsletter that breaks down everything you need to know for the first day of camp.
Weekly Emails
Families enrolled in camp will receive an email the Thursday prior to the start of the week that includes information on theme days, cabin assignments, and special announcements.
Phone Calls
During the Spring and Summer, we may call home to chat more about a special program or get to know your child’s needs better. If we do not get in touch with you, we will leave a message and try again later.
Updating Camper Information
Once registrations have been received, any changes to your account or camper information should be made by contacting the office at office@willowgrovedaycamp.ca. Please note that all changes health or authorized pickup information, must be communicated through an email that is linked to your online registration.

Camp Tours and Open House
Leading up to the start of camp, tours will be available for all camp families. Registered families will be contacted in the spring to schedule a time to visit. Families that wish to have a tour before then can contact our Camp Manager, Sarah, to schedule a visit.
in early June, Willowgrove will be open to the public for our annual open house. Registered families are welcome to come enjoy the property with friends and family. More information will be sent to families in the Monthly Newsletter and posted on our social media accounts.
Health Form
When you registered online to attend Willowgrove Day Camp you filled out the necessary health information we require in order to provide a positive and safe experience for your child. We understand that some parents may be hesitant to disclose information about their child’s behaviour, or past experiences. Please know, our staff uses the information that you provide to ensure your child settles in and has a smooth transition into camp routines. Having prior knowledge about a learning difficulty, recent loss, or major family change makes a difference in helping us to be understanding and supportive of your child’s needs - especially in the first few days of camp.
The more we know about your child in advance, the better equipped we are to provide a positive experience. If you need to add any information to the health form, or there are changes to your child’s health information leading up to their time with us at camp, please inform our office. You can email office@willowgrovedaycamp.ca or call our office at 905- 640-2127. Information on camper forms are kept confidential and only shared with the people who need this information to ensure the wellbeing of your child.
What To Bring To Camp
Each day please send your child with:
Bathing suit
Sunscreen,minimum of SPF 30; Aerosol sunscreen is recommended to get those hard to reach places
Bug spray
Lunch and snack - peanut and treenut free please!
Shoes and clothes that can get wet and dirty - we recommend wearing good all purpose shoes, like running shoes or crocs, as we do a lot of walking
Refillable water bottle, there will be opportunities to refill throughout the day
Rain gear, light jacket, or sweater on cold or rainy days
Spare set of clothes
Please reconsider if you are planning to bring these items:
Clothing promoting alcohol, tobacco or drugs
Cell phones
Electronic games
Expensive jewelry or fancy watches
Clothes that cannot get dirty
Games or items made for trading or gambling
How To Dress For Camp
At Willowgrove, we are outside for most of the days, so please note the weather and dress appropriately. It is important that children wear clothes that can get wet and/or dirty so they can participate fully without worries. Some of our programs require specific clothing requirements for the safety of campers. Please make sure to check your child’s schedule each day and send the appropriate clothing/items with them.
Campers must wear waterproof, closed toe shoes. We recommend rubber boots or Crocs. Flip Flops should not be worn and they will not protect your child’s feet on the rocks.
Campers must wear closed toe shoes with a heel strap. Running shoes are recommended.
Climbing & Bouldering
Campers must wear closed toe shoes with a heel strap. Running shoes are recommended.
Willowgrove Unplugged
While we know we live in a world filled with technology, our desire is for children to be present while participating in our programs to maximize their experience. We believe that it is important for all of us to unplug and allow ourselves to be fully immersed in the experience and benefits our programs provide. Staying connected through texts, calls, and messaging can be great at times, but we believe it hinders the camp experience. We strongly recommend that all campers unplug and leave their cell phones at home. Furthermore, as we are outdoors most of the day, these devices can easily be broken or lost.
We understand that older campers may want to stay connected throughout the day. Therefore, we allow our Senior Division campers to use their phone during lunch and tuck time. If a senior camper chooses to use their phone during these designated times, they must keep their devices to themselves and not share with others. For the rest of the day, phones should be stored in a bag and kept out of sight. If a camper cannot keep their phone away during program times, it will be securely stored in the office and returned at either lunch or the end of the day. Please note that Willowgrove is not responsible for any broken, lost or stolen devices.
As part of our Unplugged program, we try to be mindful of, and minimize the use of other technological devices throughout our program. We know that our parents love to see what their children are up to through photographs
and videos, but, in our practice, the constant presence of a camera and photographer, can interfere with the program experience, just like a cell phone. We will share a select number of photographs and videos each week with our families through our social media accounts and leave all the storytelling of the day to your child. Families will receive an electronic cabin group photo via email at then end of every week.
Cabin Friend Requests
If you wish your child to be in the same cabin group as a friend, we will do our best to make that happen. In order to accommodate a friend request:
both families should make the same request to ensure campers are placed together
both campers should be in the same Division
If campers are not in the same Division, we will work with families to move one of the campers. They must be within 1 year of the Division grade (i.e. going into Grade 2 to be moved to the Division for campers going into Grade 3/4). We will often contact parents in these cases to confirm the new Division will be a good fit.
Division Grade
Primary Division | JK & SK
Junior Division | Grade 1 & 2
Intermediate Division | Grade 3 & 4
Sophomore Division | Grade 5 & 6
Senior Division | Grade 7 & 8
Please contact us as soon as you complete the registration so we can address your request to change; as Divisions fill up we may not have the availability to move your child.
Lost & Found
On a regular basis we try to comb through the Lost & Found bin to reunite articles with their owners. To make the process easier, please clearly label everything your child brings to camp. Despite our best efforts to return lost articles to their owners during the summer, there are always - inevitably - several bags of Lost & Found at the end of the season.
Items can be picked up at the Lost & Found Tent any time throughout the camp season. Please note that items from the current week will only be placed at the tent for Friday pickup. If you would like to have us look for the item before the end of the week, please send us an email and we will do our best to look for it.
After the summer, Lost & Found will set out for families to look through on Monday, August 25 and Tuesday, August 26. Items remaining after this time will be donated to a local charity.

Car Travel To and From Camp
9:00 - 9:15am
3:45 - 4:15pm
Drop Off
To help us with a smooth drop off process, please remain in your vehicle until a staff member has checked in your camper. Once signed in, campers will be escorted to their cabin group area. As the week progresses, older campers who are comfortable with walking themselves, will be allowed to do so. Please give any notes, forms or medication to the check-in staff.
Please note that you must remain in your vehicle until our check-in staff are available to assist you. Please do not leave your child at the check- in area without first signing them in with a staff member.
Families that require an earlier drop off can enroll their children in our extended care program.
Pick Up
Participant pickup will happen at the same location as drop off. We require all people picking up campers to show ID that matches their name on our authorized pickup list. Participants will only be released to members on the authorized pickup list. Any changes to this list must be made via email through an account we have listed on file. To make pickup go as smooth as possible, please have your ID ready for our check-out staff.
11737 McCowan Road
Stouffville, ON
L4A 4C3
T: 905-640-2127
F: 905-640-5263
E: info@willowgrove.ca
Early Pick-Up at Camp
We have a huge property full of fun programming for your child. In order for us to ensure safety and prepare your child in a timely manner, Camp personnel require appropriate notice before releasing a child from our care. Your child’s word that you are coming is not sufficient notice for a change in routine. Early departures must be arranged in advance by emailing office@willowgrovedaycamp.ca or calling our office 905-640-2127. Participants who are being picked up early will be brought to the office.
All absences must be noted by the office. Please call us as soon as possible to let us know if your child will be absent.
Early Drop Off and Late Pickup
Participants who are not enrolled in our extended care program and are dropped off prior to 9:00 am or picked up after 4:15 pm will be charged a fee of $11.00 and $22.00 respectively, and the child will be walked to the extended care location.
If you arrive before 9:00 AM, and do not wish to have your child in before care, you and your child can remain in your vehicle until drop off has started.
Can I drop by during the day to visit my child?
All of our staff and volunteers that are on property throughout the day have gone through an extensive interview process and are required to provide Vulnerable Sector Police checks. We are happy to check in with your camper and give you an update over the phone. Please call at 905-640-2127 to arrange this.

Food Allergies
Every summer we have staff and campers with us who have life-threatening food allergies. In no way do we wish to compromise their personal safety during their stay at camp. Because campers or visitors may unintentionally bring food items containing these allergens, we cannot guarantee an allergen-free environment. However, we take every measure possible to keep these allergen products away from our staff and campers.
Please DO NOT send any food to camp that have, or contain, peanuts or tree nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnut, pecan, cashew and pistachios), including any item from bulk food that does not come pre-sealed. It is important to read labels carefully for ingredients, although most products that are unsafe will contain warnings on the nutrition label.
Cabin groups that have a camper with a severe food allergy will be alerted prior to the start of the week. The name of the camper will not be disclosed in any communication to the families. Food allergies can include, but are not limited to, peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, and sesame.
For families that would like to send a treat for the whole cabin group for a special occasion like a birthday, please know we cannot accept anything that was not prepackaged. If you have any questions about this, please contact the office.
Snack and Lunch Times
Campers in our Primary and Junior Divisions will have a designated time in their schedule for a morning snack, lunch, and afternoon snack. During afternoon snack, campers will be provided with a freezie for Tuck.
Campers in our Intermediate, Sophomore and Senior Divisions will have a designated time in their schedule for lunch and an afternoon freezie for Tuck. Campers are welcome to bring a snack to take on the go in between activities.
Some Tips on Packing Food for Camp
Be sure to put your camper’s name on their lunch.
Do not pack food that must be refrigerated. Pack the lunch with an ice pack instead.
Pack your child’s lunch in reusable containers. Willowgrove is a boomerang site, packaging and waste from lunches and snacks will return home at the end of the day.
Pack snacks and drinks that your child can enjoy throughout the day.
As in previous years, we are offering optional hot & cold lunches prepared daily through LUNCHBOX. Login or set up a new account at their website: www.lunchboxorders.net to order lunches for the summer.
Please note online orders must be placed by Sunday at 12:00PM (Noon) for the upcoming week.

It is very important that we have all information regarding campers health and behaviour in order for them to be well cared for at camp. If, in the event that any information on the Health or Camper forms need to be updated, please email or call the office.
Please remember that in the case of a medical emergency, the information on the health form you provide may be the only resource we have to ensure your child’s well-being.
Tip! Inform the people you designate as emergency contacts of any unusual or serious medical concerns your child may have, and make sure they understand what your wishes would be, should the need arise.
If your child will be bringing any medication to Camp, please observe the following:
Medication must be brought to camp in the original container. It is not legal for our health care providers to dispense medication from any other container, including weekly pill organizers.
Carefully detail the normal time medication should be taken and send this with the medication.
Include clear instructions in writing for the administration of medication, including the reason for taking it.
Camp staff cannot accept verbal instructions.
Please make sure to send enough medication to last the full week.
Any medication should be given directly to the check-in staff at drop off. Please make sure all medication is clearly marked and labeled with the child’s name. Once it reaches camp, all medication is stored, refrigerated if required, and locked until dispensed as directed.
EpiPen Policy
Any camper who carries an EpiPen for food, bee or insect allergies must bring two (2) of their own EpiPen’s to camp with them. One EpiPen will be stored in the office in case of an emergency; the other must be carried by the camper in their belt bag at all times. If campers are too young to be responsible for their belt bag, then their counsellors will carry it for them. Each day, one EpiPen will be returned home with the camper. Please be sure to send it each day. The remaining EpiPen will be kept in the Wellness Center until the end of the child’s time with us.
First Aid and Health Policy
In the event that first aid is required, we have a well-equipped Wellness Centre to care for your child.
Your child’s health and safety are very important to us. Providing the best care we can and continually inspecting our grounds is our responsibility. Your responsibility is to provide us with up-to-date medical information that will also help to ensure a successful summer. It is imperative that you alert us IN WRITING of any changes in your child’s health.
Check Your Child
Campers should not come to camp with known communicable diseases or health nuisances (such as chicken pox, lice, viral infections, rashes, athlete’s foot, impetigo, etc.). If your child has been exposed to anything communicable within three weeks of the start of their camp week, please alert the camp office. Together, we will determine whether to consider keeping your child at home for an extra day or so.
Sun Safety
We are aware of the dangers of over exposure to the sun and strive to take reasonable precautions to prevent adverse effects of the sun and UV rays. Please help us in this endeavour by packing:
a hat with a brim and sunglasses
sunscreen for your child (minimum SPF 30),
a water bottle with your child’s name on it
Sunscreen is available should campers run out, and water taps can be found around camp. Participants are encouraged to wear light clothing that covers shoulders and arms when not doing water activities.
Protect your Child from Ticks Bites
As you prepare your child for camp this summer, please be aware of the increase in Lyme disease cases in Ontario and the steps for preventing infection. Lyme disease is transmitted by the bite of an infected blacklegged tick. Ticks are most active in the summer, which makes children who spend time outdoors at higher risk for tick bites.
Do full body tick checks. Ticks are very small, sometimes as small as the period at the end of this sentence. Tick bites are also painless so it is important for campers to perform regular tick checks after being outdoors and at night before bedtime. Teach your child to pay particular attention to their scalp, ankles, armpits, groin, naval, and behind the ears and knees.
If a tick is found attached, remove it safely following the recommended procedure here.

Regular Camp (JK-Grade 8)
Campers experience a little bit of everything. Swimming, Nature, Creek, Peace and lots more! Campers in our Sophomore and Senior Divisions will participate in a specialty program of either Athletics or Creative Arts in the mornings.
Camper Divisions
All grades are as of Fall 2025
As per the Ontario Regulations, children must be four years old by the start of their camp week.
Grade JK + SK
Grade 1 + 2
Grade 3 + 4
Grade 5 + 6
Grade 7 + 8
LEAD Youth Program (Grade 9 - 11)
LEAD: Leadership Empowerment & Development. Through fun team-building activities LEAD participants build confidence, learning to trust their own instincts, and practise in-person communication. By taking on small (but important) camp responsibilities, participants complete essential roles within Willowgrove’s larger Charitable work, learning the impact that small contributions can make to a community.
Helping Hand
We believe that all children should have the opportunity to attend camp. Our Helping Hand program provides campers who need additional assistance throughout the day with the support they need. All campers in our Helping Hand program are integrated into our regular camp groups.
Before being accepted into the Helping Hand program, all families will be contacted to set up a time to speak to one of our year round staff members on the phone or to set up a meet and greet at Willowgrove. For campers that need more support than we are able to provide, a worker can be hired by the family to support the camper while they are with us.
All children must be:
Toilet Trained
Able to communicate
Independently mobile
Extended Care
Our extended care programs are there to provide additional care for families that require a bit of a longer day. Pre-registration by the week is required.
Before Care
Before care is offered from 8:00 am to 9:00 am and is $42.00 per child per week. Activities include park time, colouring, group games and crafts. Participants must be pre-registered for this program. Spots are limited and are offered on a first come first serve basis.
After Care
After care is offered from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm and is $84.00 per child per week. An afternoon snack is provided. Activities include park time, sports, gagaball, colouring and crafts. Participants must be pre-registered for this program. Spots are limited and are offered on a first come first serve basis.
If you have any questions that were not answered in this package, please do not hesitate to contact us so we can help you find the information you need.

“Ever since my son finished camp last summer, he’s been asking “When can I go back to my camp?” I’ve already registered him for March Break Camp and again for this summer too! He LOVES “his camp” and can’t wait to go back!”